(SOLD) Suncoast HD-1 Harmonic Driver Pedal

Suncoast HD-1 Harmonic Driver Pedal
Suncoast HD-1 Harmonic Driver Pedal
Suncoast HD-1 Harmonic Driver Pedal
Suncoast HD-1 Harmonic Driver Pedal

Suncoast Analog is the brainchild of Jim Suchora, who got his start in the industry as a tech at Moog. This is two channels of drive in one box. The green side is a clean or treble boost with added harmonic content. The red side is an overdrive with a lot more juice on tap. Great on guitar or bass.

Model: Suncoast B1p Bass Preamp
Made: USA, recent model 
Type: pre-amp
Power: standard 9v DC negative supply, not included
Equivalent new street price (approx): n/a
Mods: none
Accessories: no box or manual
Condition notes: used, no major marks, fully functional. Overall: very good condition

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