Amedia Galata 14" Medium Hi-Hats (Ex-Demo)
These medium weight 14" hats sound earthy and complex with a defined woody stick sound. They open up nicely with a nice balance of cut and wash. The sound profile the hybrid lathing and weight gives puts these in a versatile bracket. They'll play anything you throw at them except maybe jazz, but that's more a matter of principle.
Type: Hi-HatsManufacturer: Amedia (Turkey)
Series: Galata
Size: 14"
Weight: T-1,120g B-1,260g
Alloy: bronze, 20% tin
Condition: ex-demo; lightly played and minor marks; no damage
Amedia says: Like the feeling you get surveying all of Istanbul from the top of the Galata tower, versatility is at your command when you play the Galata series. A partially lathed top offers you distinctly different playing surfaces and timbres. The unlathed strip at mid-bow feels stiff and sounds dry while the lathed edge and inner-bow have a softer feel and washier sound. The hammered, unlathed bell is loud and strong, with complex overtones.