Peavey Bandit 112 100w Guitar Amp Combo
Those green and silver striped Peavey Bandit amps were in every corner of my high school music room. This one punched me right in the nostalgia: it's way better than I remember those amps being. It's loud, clear and punchy. The clean is fat and warm. The crunch is remarkably smooth and balanced for a basic solid state amp. Add the extra gain on and the very distorted sound is... pretty fried, but hey, you can't have it all, right? This would make an outstanding pedal platform and surely delivers a silly amount of amp for a small wallet wallop.
Model: Peavey Bandit 112
Made: China, early 2000s approx
Type: Tube / Solid-State
Serial: G0004175
Output: 100w
Power: 240v (Australia/NZ)
Speakers: 1x12" Peavey driver
Mods: None
Channels: two, switchable extra gain
Weight: 18kg approx
Accessories: power cord, manual, footswitch
Condition notes: All tested and fully functional.
Overall: very good condition (8/10)