AKG WMS 40 Pro Mini 2 Microphone & Instrument Beltpack Wireless System (Band US45A/C)
AKG make decent gear, and here you get the 1-2-Wonderwall with a punchy wireless handheld cardioid microphone and hifi belt-pack transmitter for your Maton. These talk to the included dual-band receiver that plugs into your mixer for convenient and cable-free singer/songwriter-ing. One caveat though... frequency space is a bit of a hot-mess here in Aus, so please due your due diligence and check if the .gov.au have called dibs on the frequency in your area prior to purchase.
Helpful tool:
Model: AKG WMS 40 Pro Mini 2 Dual Handheld & Beltpack Wireless System
Made: China, recent model
Handheld microphone, fixed at 660.700MHz;
Instrument belt-pack transmitter, fixed at 662.300MHz.
Dual-band receiver unit - switchable 12v supply with AU, UK and US adapters; PT-40 - alleged 30 hours of operation on a single AA battery
Equivalent new street price (approx): $480 AUD
Accessories: original box
Condition notes: used, minor marks only. Overall: very good condition