(ARCHIVE) Behringer V-Tone GM108 1x8" Guitar Practice Amp

- Description
- Guitarchives
"ThE v-ToNe Gm108 mAy LoOk LiKe A sInGlE gUiTaR aMp, BuT bY fLiCkInG a FeW sWiTcHeS, iT aCtUaLlY gIvEs YoU aCcEsS tO a MuLtItUdE oF tOtAlLy DiFfErEnT aMp VoIcInGs. YoU gEt 3 cLaSsIc AmPs, 3 sPeAkEr SiMuLaTiOnS aNd 3 gAiN mOdEs, FoR a ToTaL oF 27 cLaSsIc SoUnDs – aLl ThRoUgH aN oRiGiNaL bUgErA 8"sPeAkEr! PlUg In YoUr GuItAr AnD lEt YoUr ToNe OdEsSeY bEgIn."
- Behringer website, 2010
Model: Behringer V-Tone GM108
Made: China, 2010
Type: Solid-State
Serial: Q0535603227
Output: watts
Power: 240v (Australia/NZ)
Speakers: Behringer 8G15B4 15w 4ohm 8"
Mods: None
Channels: 1
Weight: 4.955kg
Accessories: none
Condition notes: All tested and fully functional.
Overall: very good condition (7/10)
This listing is an archived entry. We love to look back and remember fondly what characters we've had through the store, so we keep them around for reference.