(SOLD) Fender Tone Master Super Reverb 4x10" Guitar Combo Amp

Fender Tone Master Super Reverb 4x10" Guitar Combo Amp
Fender Tone Master Super Reverb 4x10" Guitar Combo Amp
Fender Tone Master Super Reverb 4x10" Guitar Combo Amp
Fender Tone Master Super Reverb 4x10" Guitar Combo Amp
Fender Tone Master Super Reverb 4x10" Guitar Combo Amp
Fender Tone Master Super Reverb 4x10" Guitar Combo Amp
Fender Tone Master Super Reverb 4x10" Guitar Combo Amp
Fender Tone Master Super Reverb 4x10" Guitar Combo Amp

Our main lives-in-store amp around here is a lovely old 1972 Bassman Ten combo, which works it's arse off and isn't for sale because it's waaaay to heavy and fragile to ship. This, shiny bigboii is one of Fender's new digital offerings, so despite being rather huge it weights a measly 16kg. I can pick it up with one finger, and I'm no finger-athlete. The tone is pretty close to a legit tube 4x10" offering, it delivers a big juicy thick low end and a snappy, chiming clear top end. These don't come up used real often around these parts, so do your lower back and hip pocket a favour all at the same time. 

Model: Fender Tone Master Super Reverb
Made: China, very recent model (serial B861099)
Output: 45 watts, switchable
Power: 240v (Australia/NZ)
Speaker: 4x10" Jensen special design
Mods: none
Weight: 16.33kg
Extras included: footswitch

Condition notes: used, no major marks, fully functional. Overall: excellent condition (9/10)

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