(SOLD) Electro-Harmonix Small Clone Chorus Pedal

Electro-Harmonix Small Clone Chorus Pedal
Electro-Harmonix Small Clone Chorus Pedal
Electro-Harmonix Small Clone Chorus Pedal
Electro-Harmonix Small Clone Chorus Pedal

Some pedals will be forever associated with particular artists... in this case, the Small Clone is fairly inseparable from the memory of Kurt Cobain. Warm, wobbly, analog goodness, perfect your inner darkness.

Model: Electro-Harmonix Small Clone
Made: USA, recent model
Type: chorus
Power: standard 9v DC supply, 12mA draw approx
Switching: true bypass
Equivalent new street price (approx): $199aud
Mods: none
Accessories: no box or manual
Condition notes: used, no major marks, very good condition

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