(SOLD) Ibanez Soundtank DL5 Digital Delay Pedal

Ibanez Soundtank DL5 Digital Delay Pedal
Ibanez Soundtank DL5 Digital Delay Pedal
Ibanez Soundtank DL5 Digital Delay Pedal
Ibanez Soundtank DL5 Digital Delay Pedal

This looks super weird, but like many of these vintage Ibanez pedals, it sounds great. There's a certain warmth and thickness to the sound you don't always get on a digital delay. Ugly, but beautiful.

Model: Ibanez Soundtank DL5 Digital Delay
Made in: Japan, recent model (serial 165385)
Type: digital delay
Power: standard 9v supply or battery
Equivalent new street price (approx): n/a
Mods: none
Accessories: no box or manual
Condition notes: used, few minor marks, good condition

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