(SOLD) Magnetic Effects Midphoria Fixed Wah/Boost Pedal

Magnetic Effects Midphoria Fixed Wah/Boost Pedal
Magnetic Effects Midphoria Fixed Wah/Boost Pedal
Magnetic Effects Midphoria Fixed Wah/Boost Pedal
Magnetic Effects Midphoria Fixed Wah/Boost Pedal

The 'parked wah' tone is the secret sauce on many solos, and this makes it easy. You can dial in a fixed hump to kick in with the sweep control, as per other 'fixed wah' pedals, but this one also has a handy clean blend control and a range toggle which widens the tone right out to a full-on fat mid boost. Surprisingly handy!

Model: Magnetic Effects Midphoria
Made: USA, recent model
Type: fixed wah/boost
Power: standard 9v supply or battery
Switching: true bypass
Equivalent new street price (approx): $265aud
Mods: velcro attached
Accessories: no box or manual
Condition notes: used, no major marks, very good condition

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