Amedia Galata 14" Flat-Bottom Hi-Hats (Ex-Demo)
These are earthy and complex but with a naturally high fundamental pitch owing to the flat vented bottom hat. They cut through easily but aren't harsh. These are some articulate and versatile hats. If you're planning on putting your music degree to "good" use with a bunch of left foot action, these with make sure every $ of your HECS debt is heard from the cheap seats.
Type: Hi-HatsManufacturer: Amedia (Turkey)
Series: Galata
Size: 14"
Weight: T-1,120 B-1,305g
Alloy: bronze, 20% tin
Condition: ex-demo; lightly played and minor marks; no damage
Amedia says: Like the feeling you get surveying all of Istanbul from the top of the Galata tower, versatility is at your command when you play the Galata series. A partially lathed top offers you distinctly different playing surfaces and timbres. The unlathed strip at mid-bow feels stiff and sounds dry while the lathed edge and inner-bow have a softer feel and washier sound. The hammered, unlathed bell is loud and strong, with complex overtones.