Ludwig LM400 Supraphonic 14x5 Aluminium Snare Drum
Our Thoughts: There's a reason the Ludwig Supraphonic is one of the most recorded snare drums in the world. We've seen a few wonderful vintage ones as well as newer models come through and although vintage is cooler, they're made the same as they were in the 60s except for the rubber gaskets. The beaded 1.7mm aluminium shell affords more warmth and resonance than steel or brass but with more brightness than an Acrolite thanks to the chrome. These sound incredible with definition and body for days. Versatile as can be. Throw it in a jazz band and it'll sing. Chuck some country at it and it'll sound thick and full for you. Throw some metal at it and it'll bite your face. If you know, you know.
This particular one has been kept in great shape and even has the stock heads and wires with very little wear. The most common mod for these is to remove the lug gaskets to get that rattly sound they're famed for and in this case, the gaskets have gone walkabout so I guess you'll be kicking it in Vintage Tonesville from here on. Grouse.
Manufacturer: Ludwig
Model: LM400 Supraphonic
New Street Price: $1300 approx.
Dimensions: 14" x 5"
Lugs: 10 (Gaskets removed)
Made: USA, 90s-present
Serial: 1670938
Shell Construction: 1.7mm Seamless Aluminium
Hoops: 2.3mm Steel Triple Flanged
Hardware: P88AC Throw / P35P Butt
Weight: 3,290g
Batter Head: Stock Remo Weatherking Vintage A Batter Coated
Resonant Head: Remo Ambassador Snare-Side
Wires: Stock Ludwig 20 Strand (all wires intact)
Condition Notes: All hardware is functional. Hoops and lugs are in great condition. The muffler is functional and smooth. "216 USD" has been etched into the side of the throw-off. There is little rust. Chrome on the shell has some moderate flaking. The gaskets belonging to the lugs have been removed which is a very common mod as it allows for a more vintage correct sound. Overall, it is in very good condition.